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地址: 北京市丰台区赵幸店500号26幢43





“Found a Friend in China”

Date: 2016-07-05   Clicked: 2327
“Found a Friend in China”

I traveled to Beijing with just 2 other women and myself. Only a week before we left we hadn't booked a tour yet and were feeling un-settled about the many unknowns of our upcoming travels. We happened upon Cindy and thought we'd email her and see if she could help us at all. She got back to me immediately and answered all my questions. Over the course of the next few days she arranged train tickets to and from Beijing to a beach town, arranged our hotels, our tour in Beijing with a guide named Nancy that we loved, transportation to and from other things we had previously planned, made many excellent suggestions and personally picked us up from the airport. Cindy lifted a huge weight off my shoulders and we felt like we had a friend waiting for us in China to help us with whatever we needed. We are so grateful we found her and would highly recommend her to anyone planning a trip to China.

上一篇:车辆很新 司机服务nice
下一篇:“A great guide in Beijing”-- Rachel Rompelberg


地址:北京市丰台区赵幸店500号26幢43    客服:010-81466100 手机:13501394999 微信:13501394999

